Six Scots and an Irishman settled Caledonia in 1820, attracted by the good farmland on the drumlins. The area was famous for gold mining in the late 1800’s, with the discoveries of the metal at Whiteburn in 1884 and then a fissure (a large deposit of gold carrying quartz) was made in 1887. Libby Mines in Brookfield became the banner mines of Nova Scotia.

Molega gold was discovered around the same time and in total close to 75 gold bearing veins were discovered. A later mine in Pleasantfield (1914) had one of its shafts measure 220 feet in depth.

Although the gold mining days are now in the past, Caledonia remains as the commercial centre for North Queens, is the gateway community for Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site and has hosted the Queens County Fair for over 130 years.

A historical walking tour brochure of Caledonia is available from the Liverpool and Caledonia Visitor Information Centres.

Caledonia is on Highway 8, about 45-50 minutes north of Liverpool and about 75 minutes from Annapolis Royal.

GPS (Caledonia Visitor Centre): 44.377184, -65.034152