The Tavern was constructed from timber largely cut on the spot and the huge squared stones of the foundation may have come from the ruins of the Fortress Louisbourg. The first floor has two rooms, the “keeping room” where common people gathered for their drinks and a dining room. It is not clear, but there may have been a partition between the two that would have folded back for dances or large gatherings.
The second floor had two bed chambers, called “boarding rooms” and they contained rows of bunks. Taverns during this time were usually private homes that were open to the public, with the owners licensed to provided liquor, food, and lodging. Taverns also served as auction rooms, assembly rooms, banqueting halls and general centres of entertainment.
Those looking for a ghost story need look no further. It is said that this 1763 Tavern is haunted by a benevolent spirit dressed in uniform that spends his time walking back and forth on the floor of the master bedroom. Although friendly, he can be mischievous, moving objects about and opening locked doors.
GPS: 44.043022, -64.708861
5 Riverside Drive, Liverpool, NS