February 14, 2016; Liverpool, NS: Identifying innovative ways to deliver core services is the challenge for today’s municipalities. Today, the Council of the Region of Queens Municipality approved two shared services agreements at the regular Council meeting on February 14, 2017. The Region of Queens will enter into a shared services agreement with the Municipality of the District of Shelburne (MODS), in which a MODS Building Official will be appointed as a spare Building Official for the Region of Queens Municipality to access on an as-needed basis. As well, the Region of Queens will enter into a shared services agreement on a trial basis in which the Region of Queens Special Constable By-law Enforcement Officer will conduct specific service work in the Town of Lunenburg.

“Shared service agreements are something that Municipalities are beginning to explore, to ensure that services are provided in our communities while reducing the burden on the taxpayer,” said David Dagley, Mayor of the Region of Queens Municipality. “We are very fortunate at the Region Queens Municipality to have great employees who are well trained and experienced in specialty areas. ” Dagley noted that the shared service agreements are a way to have the expertise at hand, without committing to additional full time staff.

The agreement with MODS for a Building Official increases the staff compliment in Queens when the service is needed. At present, the Region of Queens has one full time Building Official, and one part time casual Building Official. Having an additional casual Building Official, ensures this critical service for development and economic growth is maintained.

The Town of Lunenburg has sought cost efficient ways to provide enforcement for a low number of Dangerous and Unsightly files reported by their residents. The agreement with Town of Lunenburg will limit the service provided by the Region of Queens Special Constable By-Law Enforcement Official to 35 hours per year. There will zero impact on the budget or service standard in Queens, as service provision is on a cost recovery basis.

“These shared service agreements are a good opportunity for us to examine whether shared services are beneficial in delivering our municipal services,” said Dagley. “Opportunities to partner and work together, including human resources, information technology, policing, sold waste management, and others, are continuously being explored for the long term sustainability of services.”