2 Blue Bag(s) System
The Region of Queens offers bi-weekly curbside collection of recyclables. Recyclables should be placed in clear or blue transparent bags only and not in grocery bags.
Cardboard boxes should be broken down and placed in blue bags when possible. If they are too big for your bluebag they should be flattened and tied into bundles placed beside your bluebags for collection.
BAG(S) 1 Paper Products (fiber) |
BAG(S) 2 Containers |
All recyclables should be clean and dry and paper should be free of staples, paper clips and tape. | |
*Beverage containers marked refundable can be taken to your local Enviro-Depot™ for a refund | |
Your bluebag will be rejected if:
If you have any questions about what goes in your recycling bag, please call us at 902-354-7170 or download our sorting guide.