The Region of Queens Municipality works hard at maintaining an effective waste management system, with a recycling and composting program ahead of many jurisdictions across the country. With so much of our household waste having the ability to be recycled or composted, we are able to reduce the impact on our Second Generation Landfill and the environment as a whole.
Our solid waste facility is comprised of several sites including a Household Hazardous Waste Depot, a Materials Recovery Facility (recyclables), Construction and Demolition Site, Organics Transfer Station and the Second Generation Landfill Site.
The facility employs 13 people who maintain recovery of materials that can be turned into valuable resources. We operate equipment to properly dispose of those items that cannot be recycled.
One of the cleanest Waste Management Facilities in Nova Scotia, we undertake an ambitious litter cleanup program on an as needed basis. Environmental controls are in place to reduce the amount of pests and odours on site. Twice a year, ground and surface water in the immediate area is tested to ensure that the facility has no adverse effects on the environment. Water that comes into contact with garbage is collected in a pond and transported to a waste water treatment plant for processing.
The Municipality also operates a Leaf and Yard Waste Site (1799 Shore Road, Western Head) where any plants, tree branches, grass clippings, or leaves are chipped on a yearly basis and the resulting material is available to the public for use as mulch. This site is open seven days a week. Leaf and yard waste is also accepted at Queens Solid Waste Management Facility (3750 Highway 8, Milton) during regular business hours.