Anyone who wants to subdivide a piece of land or consolidate two or more pieces of land in Queens must apply for Subdivision Approval. All Subdivisions are regulated by the Subdivision Bylaw and any services (such as roads) that you eventually want the Municipality to take control over must conform to our specifications.

Click here for a fillable PDF of the Subdivision Approval Application form. This form must be printed and signed and submitted with twelve (12) copies of the subdivision plan and the appropriate fee.

The fee for a subdivision change is two tiered. $100 is payable to the Region of Queens Municipality and one of two amounts is payable to the Land Registration or Registry of Deeds Office:

  1. For properties that have not been migrated into the Land Registration System: $213.35
  2. For properties that have been migrated: $113.35

Please note, the following approvals may be required before Subdivision Approval can be granted:

  • If you are not connecting to a municipal sewer system, you may need approval for the installation of an On-Site Sewage Disposal System (or septic tank) from Nova Scotia Environment.
  • If you want to create a new access to a property from a public highway you will need to get an Work Within Highway Right-of-Way Permit (formerly known as an Access to Property Permit) from the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.

After a complete application is submitted, a response is usually given within 3 to 4 weeks. If the application is neither approved or refused within ninety (90) days after receipt, and both the Applicant and Development Officer have not agreed on an extension, it is considered refused. Once an approval has been registered it does not expire.

It is recommended that you contact the Development Officer prior to submitting an application to address any concerns and/or questions up front. You can reach the Officer at 902-354-3455.