July 21, 2022: For the past 3.5 years, Region of Queens Municiality has been in the process of carrying out a formal review of its Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) which will guide, influence and manage positive change and development within the Region over the next ten + years.

The revised Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw build upon the vision, goals and objectives of the previous MPS and aligns this with the current priorities of Council to move toward attainment of its community vision and to guide the delivery of municipal programs and services throughout the Region.

The MPS / LUB Review has been undertaken within broader strategic objectives established by Council for the Region of Queens Municipality. While it is recognized that community planning needs, issues and areas of focus will vary from one community to another, the Review process focused on the following policy areas:
• Achieving a balance of economic, environmental and social sustainability;
• Encouraging local employment and business growth and expansion;
• Achieving economic development through community planning;
• Pursuing housing innovation, affordability, diversity, choice and density;
• Enhancing neighbourhood character and appeal of residential areas;
• Tourism development partnerships and marketing of the Region;
• Recreation, active mobility, healthy community and open space planning;
• Social policy, arts, culture and heritage considerations;
• Provision of responsive and affordable community facilities and services;
• Cost effectiveness in local transportation and municipal infrastructure; and,
• Overall emphasis on public safety and the livability of residents of Queens.

The planning review has been carried out through a number of key processes, which included the following:
• A comprehensive stakeholder engagement process which included:
o Open house meetings at various locations throughout Queens;
o Key stakeholder engagement sessions;
o Municipal staff consultation sessions;
o Survey;
o Preparation of a detailed report on “What We Heard”.
• Preparation of six “Analysis and Discussion Papers” on the current state of the Municipality in the areas of:
o Population and demographics,
o Environment,
o Residential development,
o Economy,
o Infrastructure, and
o General policy.
• Preparation of a Policy Direction Paper which is intended to serve as a policy framework in drafting the new MPS and LUB.
• Preparation of 1st draft of the new MPS and LUB.
• Community engagement sessions hosted throughout Queens to receive feedback on the draft documents.
• Preparation of a summary report on feedback received during community engagement.
• Preparation of final draft of planning documents.

On May 24, 2022, Council of Region of Queens Municipality formally adopted a new Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw.

The Documents were reviewed by the Provincial Director of Planning and were found not to fall within any of the categories requiring approval by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.  As per the requirements of the Municipal Government Act, a Notice of Passing was placed in the July 20, 2022 edition of the Chronicle Herald.  With the printing of this notice, the new Documents are now in effect.


Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use Bylaw and associated Maps

Click the links below to read the Region of Queens Municipal Planning Strategy and Schedules:

Click the links below to read the Region of Queens Land Use Bylaw and Schedules:

Copies of the Documents can also be viewed or obtained at the Municipal Administration Building located at 249 White Point Road, Liverpool, Nova Scotia; between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday (in July and August, hours are Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.).

As set out in Section 6 of the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS), both the MPS and the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) may be amended from time to time.  Council recognizes that change is continuously occurring within the Region and the planning documents need to incorporate a degree of flexibility and / or a process whereby the documents can be amended to meet the changing needs of the community.  The MPS establishes such policy upon which amendments to the planning documents can be considered.

A copy of the application for amendments to the MPS and / or LUB, as well as the process involved in a proposed amendment can be found at the link below.  This application is also utilized for requests to allow for uses permitted under a development agreement.

Amendment Application 2017