In the spring of 1999, Council approved the formation of a Heritage Advisory Committee whose mandate is to:
- Act in an advisory capacity to Council;
- Provide advice and information to the public, regarding heritage, in a timely and consistent manner;
- Assist individuals or groups in matters relating to the designation of heritage properties, both provincial and municipal;
- Advise Council of the Region of Queens Municipality regarding:
- the inclusion of buildings, streetscapes, and areas in the Region of Queens Registry of Heritage Properties;
- an application for permission to substantially alter or demolish a Region of Queens Heritage Property;
- building or other regulations that affect the attainment of the intent and purpose of the Heritage Property Act; and
- any other matters conducive to the effective carrying out of the intent and purpose of the Heritage Property Act.
- To raise public awareness and interest in heritage throughout the Region of Queens Municipality;
- With Council’s approval, establish criteria and an evaluation process for designating municipal heritage properties.
The Heritage Advisory Committee is made up of at least eight members who are appointed for a Two Year term by Council. The Committee consists of at least two members of Council, at least one member of the Queens County Historical Society, at least one member of the North Queens Heritage Society, and individuals who have otherwise demonstrated active concern for the preservation of buildings of historical significance.
Heritage Advisory Committee includes:
Councillor Carl Hawkes, Chair
Councillor Maddie Charlton, Vice-Chair
Linda Rafuse
Danielle Robertson
Tara Druzina
John Druzina
Norma Lenco
Michael Van Dale
If you are interested in being on the Heritage Advisory Committee, contact Mike MacLeod, Director of Planning at