Your civic address is the number assigned by the Municipality to the main building or structure on your property. Extremely important for emergency services, this allows the police, fire department or ambulances to find you quickly and efficiently. This number is also useful for everyday services like courier deliveries, as well as utility providers, such as Nova Scotia Power, and cable and telephone.
Roads within the Region are broken down into measured intervals and civic numbers are determined by where a driveway intersects with the road. Those wishing to apply for a civic number need to fill out an application form. For more information, you can refer to the Civic Addressing Bylaw or you can call our Planning Technician via e-mail or by telephone at 902-354-3455.
NEW! Civic Numbering Brochure:
Please click here to read the Civic Numbering brochure, which provides an overview of key points of the bylaw.