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Websites and Social Media Pages

Queens Coast: Region of Queens Municipality

Region of Queens Municipality’s Facebook page   Region of Queens Municipality’s Twitter page 

Region of Queens Municipality Instagram page      Region of Queens Municipality’s YouTube channel

Region of Queens Municipality’s LinkedIn page

Queens Coast Life Facebook page (a spot to find information about community events taking place in Queens)

Queens Place Emera Centre

Queens Place Emera Centre website      Queens Place Emera Centre’s Facebook page    Queens Place Emera Centre’s Twitter page   Queens Place Emera Centre LinkedIn page

Events Liverpool

 Events Liverpool Facebook page     Events Liverpool Twitter page

Events Liverpool Instagram page    Events Liverpool YouTube channel    Events Liverpool LinkedIn page

Media Relations

The information below is to to help journalists and others find out what’s going on in the Region of Queens Municipality, and where to direct their questions and/or interview requests.

All media releases, social media engagement and media relations efforts are coordinated through the Office of the CAO by the Communications Officer.
Heather Cook, Communications Officer
Phone: 902-354-3453
Email: hcook@regionofqueens.com

If you are unable to reach the Communications Officer, please call our general line at 902-354-3453, extension 2247, and leave a message. A message may also be sent to the general email for the Region of Queens Municipality at info@regionofqueens.com. This email address is monitored Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (summer hours are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. in July and August).

Media Relations Standards

All media requests are to be directed to the Communications Officer.

Click on this link to access media releases, advisories and public service announcements released by the Region of Queens Municipality.

  • Availability

The Communications Officer responds to media inquiries during regular hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.    (Summer hours in July and August are 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.).

  • Response Time

Accredited media:  Please note that media requests from accredited media (representatives of a recognized media organization) are given priority.

Other media/media students: Please note that while the Region of Queens Municipality will make every effort to accommodate non-accredited requests, delays in responding may occur.

  • After Hours Media Requests

After-hours service for media enquiries is provided when the Region of Queens Municipality deems the request is of an urgent, operational nature.  Other inquiries will be addressed during regular business hours.

Communications Documents:

The Region of Queens Municipality’s Communications objectives are guided by its Communications Strategy, which is updated periodically.