Region of Queens Municipal Safety Program

The Region of Queens believes that all injuries, occupational illness and property damage are preventable. The Region will endeavour to meet or exceed recognized available standards through the application of engineering controls, administrative controls, personal protective equipment (PPE), promotion, training and education.

Health and Safety shall be the overriding factor where production or public service may be at stake. All employees are individually responsible for their own safety and health and that of co-workers working with them.

It is a requirement of the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act to create various policies that build and maintain a healthy workplace. The Region of Queens Health and Safety Program contains the elements that make it possible to realize the objectives of these policies.

As a result the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee was created to promote safety awareness and influence fellow workers to work safely. The Committee is comprised of staff representative of all levels of employment from all Region of Queens workplaces. Meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month.

Click here for the most current copy of the Region of Queens Safety Manual, Volumes 1 to 3.

Fillable Health and Safety Form Links
Accident Investigation Form
Tool Box Meeting Form
Trench Cage Inspection Form

The latest RQM Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee agenda packages and minutes are listed below.

Region of Queens Municipality’s Safety Data Sheet database

Download PDF Index