Whether you’re starting a new business, relocating or expanding an existing business, the Community Development department of the Region of Queens Municipality (RQM) can help!

Through our programs and services we can help improve the façade of your business; offer advertising and promotional opportunities; provide important information about the area; share listings of available commercial land/properties; and connect you with business development and financing agencies.

We are also working in communities, with community groups, helping to build capacity, optimism and vibrancy. The community life of Queens is crucial to the long-term viability of the area. We can help you fund your activities, help promote your events, and provide advice and assistance on a wide range of topics.

There is a surge of interest in small town and rural lifestyle as an alternative to city life, demonstrated by the remarkable recent demand in real estate in the county. Fibre-based internet access has been rolled out across Queens with most areas now having access to gigabit speeds. With this, opportunities for business development and expansion are growing! We invite you to browse this section and the rest of our website. Reach out to our friendly and supportive Community Development team to discuss your business and community ideas or needs.

Supporting citizens, businesses, and organizations to create prosperous, vibrant, and resilient local communities and economies.


Steve Burns
Community Economic Development Coordinator

Heather Cook
Communications Officer

249 White Point Road, PO Box 1264, Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0