In the spring of 2001, Council approved the formation of a Planning Advisory Committee whose purpose would be to to advise Council on issues relating to the preparation of, and amendments to, planning documents, and on land use planning matters in general. Three (3) members of Council and one representative from each of the seven (7)* electoral districts currently sit on the Committee.

Meetings are held in the Council Chambers of the Regional Administration Building, located at 249 White Point Road in Liverpool, on the first (1st) Monday of each month at 6:00 pm.

Planning Advisory Committee District Expiry
Deputy Mayor Maddie Charlton, Chair October 31, 2026
Councillor Wanda Carver October 31, 2026
Councillor Stewart Jenkins October 31, 2026
Gary Clarke District 1
Jonathan Bowers District 2
Zenia Horton District 3
Mary White District 4
Linda Rafuse District 5
Pam Brennan District 6
Deanna Armstrong District 7


Planning Advisory Committee agenda packages are listed below:

The latest Planning Advisory Committee minutes are listed below: