Above Photo:  Region of Queens Municipality’s 8th Council, serving from 2024 until 2028. Back Row – Councillor Wanda Carver, District 7; Councillor Courtney Wentzell, District 3; Councillor Stewart Jenkins, District 6; Councillor Maddie Charlton, District 2; Councillor Jack Fancy, District 5.   Front Row – Councillor Roberta Roy, District 1; Mayor Scott Christian; Councillor Vicki Amirault, District 4.

There are 7 electoral districts within the Region of Queens (click here for a map of the Electoral Districts).  While each Councillor is elected to represent a particular district, all Councillors and the Mayor work for the betterment of the Municipality as a whole.  The 8th Council of the Region of Queens Municipality was sworn in on October 30, 2024.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page for more information about milestone recognition and requesting the Mayor to attend an event.

Council of Region of Queens Municipality

Mayor Scott Christian
902-350-3274 (cell)
E-mail:  schristian@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS   B0T 1K0

In his first term as a member of Council, Mayor Scott Christian is deeply committed to advancing the interests of Queens County while fostering an inclusive, accessible, and respectful environment for everyone. Mayor Christian’s background is in human rights and criminology; he works as a program evaluation consultant. When not working, Mayor Christian’s world revolves around his family. His wife and two young sons love to spend time camping, riding their bikes, and playing games together. He also admits that he is a bit of a foodie and is passionate about discovering new foods. A lifelong Toronto Maple Leafs fan, Mayor Christian rarely misses a game. He’s also passionate about music, often performing on the Astor Theatre stage, singing and play guitar.

Councillor Roberta Roy District 1
902-350-0982 (cell)
E-mail:  rroy@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS   B0T 1K0 

Councillor Roberta Roy is a lifelong resident of Port Mouton, and knows all of Queens County well, having been employed at the Liverpool Visitor Information Centre for 9 years prior to being elected to Council.  She is serving her first term as a Councillor. Councillor Roy is known in the community as an active volunteer, involved with the West Queens Recreation Association for many years.  She enjoys baking and cooking and is known for her epic fish frys.  Time with family is an important part of her life, and she especially enjoys spending time with her two grandchildren, as well as taking road trips with her partner Ben.

Deputy Mayor Maddie Charlton District 2
902-350-2598 (cell)
E-mail:  mcharlton@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS   B0T 1K0

Councillor Maddie Charlton was first elected in 2020 and is currently serving her second term on Council. She was selected by members of Council to serve as Deputy Mayor for the first two years of their mandate. She resides in Liverpool with her husband and children, and is proud to raise her family in Queens. Deputy Mayor Charlton background in small business and entrepreneurship sparked an interest in putting her name forward for Council, as she wanted to get further involved in the community. She has been an active volunteer for various organizations over the years and is currently the South Shore Regional Representative for the Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities. Deputy Mayor Charlton is passionate about being a member of Council, and looks forward to continuing to work to create positive change in Queens. 

Councillor Courtney Wentzell District 3
902-350-6851 (cell)
E-mail:  cwentzell@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS   B0T 1K0

Born and raised in Queens County, Councillor Courtney Wentzell lived most of his life in  Brooklyn, moving to Liverpool seven years ago.  His work experience has connected him to many throughout the Municipality, and will be beneficial as he serves his first term as a Councillor.  Councillor Wentzell worked at the Bowater Mersey Paper mill for 27 years, and spent 25 years on the Local 141 Union Executive, serving for his final 10 years as President. He also worked from 2013 until 2017 as the Constituency Assistant for Queens under MLA Sterling Belliveau. He currently works as a private contractor/consultant specializing in outreach, community organizing, and campaign management.  Councillor Wentzell has been married to his wife Cheryl for 38 years, and they have 3 grown children, and one grandson. 

Councillor Vicki Amirault District 4
902-350-6157 (cell)
E-mail:  vamirault@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0

Councillor Vicki Amirault is now serving her second term on Council  for District 4.  She is the mother of two, and has spent her entire life in Queens County where she and her husband Stephen own and operate their business, Queens Furniture. In her spare time, she loves to tend to her flower gardens and spend time with family and friends while enjoying the great outdoors.  She is enthusiastic about working with the returning and new members of council and cannot wait to see what advancements they will make in Queens County in the next four years. Councillor Amirault believes that strong communities are built through dedication, transparency, and genuine commitment. 

Councillor Jack Fancy District 5
902-350-4169 (cell)
E-mail:  jfancy@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0

Now serving his fourth term on council, Councillor Jack Fancy is looking forward to what Council can accomplish together over this term.  He and his wife,  Andrea, have been married for 31 years, and have one adult son who is engaged to be married. For 35 years, Councillor Fancy was employed at Bowater Mersey Paper company Ltd. as a stationary engineer, and in recent years, has continued to stay busy with part time work at the hospital. His passion is to see more affordable housing built in this area, something that he feels  is sorely needed.  He also has a goal for Council to work toward more collaboration with the local stores and businesses in all communities in Queens.  Councillor Fancy is keen for Council to get started on their mandate.

Councillor Stewart Jenkins District 6
902-350-4338 (cell)
E-mail:  sjenkins@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0

First time Councillor Stewart Jenkins has deep roots in his community. As a long-time business owner in District 6, he operated a successful convenience store in Greenfield for 34 years.   Councillor Jenkins enjoys spending time with his son and daughter, and loves to cook when his family is all together.  Cooking and food security is a passion and Councillor Jenkins was a graduate of Nova Scotia Community College’s Culinary Arts program at age 62, proving that it’s never too late. His employment started in Queens County 50 years ago at Freeman Lumber, after which he graduated from Maritime Forest Ranger School.  This led him to work in Bowater Mersey’s Woodlands until 1987, when he purchased the store in Greenfield, which he sold in 2022.  Councillor Jenkins feels Queens County has so much potential and is he excited to work with the Council team to bring that potential to the forefront.

Councillor Wanda Carver District 7
902-354-8037 (cell)
E-mail:  wcarver@regionofqueens.com
PO Box 1264
Liverpool, NS, B0T 1K0

Councillor Wanda Carver grew up in Harmony Mills just up from the ballfields, and spent a lot of her childhood and teenage years there. She enjoys many sports, playing guitar and singing, and spending time with her family and friends.  Councillor Carver and her partner Carroll have been together for 37 years, and have two grown adult children. This is her first term on Council, and Councillor Carver is  excited and honored that District 7 put their faith in her to help Queens County. 

Requested services of Council:

 * Milestone Recognition Brochure:  Are you or someone you know celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary?  Is your community organization marking a significant anniversary in its history?  Has someone who resides in Queens County had a significant achievement that should be recognized?  You can request a certificate from your Council to acknowledge these important achievements!  Click here to read a brochure with information about Milestone Recognition.  You may also contact Heather Cook, Communications Officer (hcook@regionofqueens.com or call 902-354-3453, ext. 2247) to request a milestone certificate at least 3 weeks prior to the date required.

* Request the Mayor to Attend Your Community Event:  Queens County is a vibrant community with engaged residents, a robust business community, and dedicated volunteers. The Mayor enjoys the opportunity to attend special events, celebrations, ceremonies, and recognition events. If you would like the Mayor to attend your event, please contact info@regionofqueens.com  (or by phone: 902-354-3453).