Queens Coast is easily accessible via air, road and water.
Only 90 minutes away, Halifax Stanfield International Airport (YHZ) is Atlantic Canada’s principal full-service airport providing passengers and cargo clients with access to markets across the globe. Operated by the Halifax International Airport Authority (HIAA), the airport forms part of the National Airports System and is the 7th busiest airport in Canada for passenger traffic.
The South Shore Regional Airport (CYAU) is located in Greenfield, Queens County, approximately 23km (14.5mi) north of Liverpool. Operated by the South Shore Flying Club, CYAU is classified as a local commercial airport with a single paved runway 3,937 feet long and 75 feet wide. Ample tie-downs are available for light aircraft. Small business and recreational aircraft are welcome to use this facility. Flight planning is via Halifax, by calling 1 (800) 876-4693 or by visiting Nav Canada https://www.navcanada.ca/en/Pages/default.aspx. For further details on our airport, please contact the South Shore Flying Club at 902-350-0022 or visit their website, https://southshoreflyingclub.weebly.com/
Queens is ideally located on Highway 103, only 90 minutes from both Halifax and Yarmouth. Many of our communities are only minutes from this major provincial roadway. The older Highway 3 handles local and scenic route traffic. Part of the Lighthouse Route from Halifax to Yarmouth, Highway 3 provides a beautiful drive, showcasing Nova Scotia’s coastal splendor, villages and numerous lighthouses.
The Kejimkujik Scenic Drive, Highway 8, joins Liverpool to Annapolis Royal, going through the picturesque communities of Milton, Middlefield and Caledonia. Along the way one will also find the core of the UNESCO Southwest Nova Biosphere – Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, as well as the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute and several Provincial Parks.
Liverpool Bay is an ice-free port, with close proximity to the open ocean and a fully functional industrial dock is available at Port Mersey Commercial Park.
The Brooklyn Marina (http://www.brooklynmarina.ca/) provides boaters with a warm welcome, marina slips, water and power hookups, showers, wireless internet and the famous Marina Canteena.
There are several Harbour Authorities in the area:
- Harbour Authority of Brooklyn
- Harbour Authority of East Port L’Hebert
- Harbour Authority of Hunts Point
- Harbour Authority of Moose Harbour
- Harbour Authority of Port Mouton
Port facilities in Halifax and Yarmouth are only 90 minutes away, while Digby’s port facility is two hours away.
Ferry connections are available between Digby and Saint John, NB; as well as Yarmouth and Bar Harbour, Maine, USA.
The Port of Halifax, also an ice-free port, enjoys minimal tides and no currents. It is the only port on the east coast that can handle fully laden post-Panamax container ships with a high labour productivity of 25 lifts per hour on average. Halifax is one day closer to Southeast Asia than any other North American east coast container port.