In addition to the agencies and organizations listed under the previous sections, here are some other local organizations that may be helpful to you and your business:

South Queens Chamber of Commerce

Over 100 years old, the South Queens Chamber of Commerce serves Liverpool and surrounding communities. Their mission is to promote and improve trade and commerce, working to foster the economic, civic and social welfare of the district. A member of the Nova Scotia Chambers of Commerce, the SQCC has a growing membership, is a strong advocate for local business and a valued partner of the Region of Queens Municipality and other organizations in the area. For more information on SQCC, visit their website and follow them on Facebook.

North Queens Board of Trade

Established in 1906, the North Queens Board of Trade is the equivalent organization to SQCC in the Caledonia area, acting as an advocate for local businesses. NQBT is an active organization not just with local businesses, as a registered not-for-profit organisation it acts a umbrella body for a number of other community economic development initiatives. You can follow NQBT on Facebook.

IGNITE Atlantic

IGNITE Atlantic is a rural innovation hub dedicated to sparking change in rural communities throughout Nova Scotia with two offices in Yarmouth and New Glasgow.  We have a focus on helping early-stage companies get off the ground and are committed to fostering a culture of innovation. By bringing together youth, communities, startups, and industries we aim to explore and implement solutions that create opportunities across the province.

Our mission is to empower and engage communities, ensuring that rural areas can thrive through innovation and collaboration.

Yarmouth Office: 208 Main Street, Yarmouth, NS B5A 1C7
New Glasgow Office: 345 Temperance Street, New Glasgow, NS B2H 3P7
Phone: 902-746-0795