Updates from Region of Queens Municipality’s Emergency Management Organization (EMO)
June 13, 2023: The Province has lifted the province wide burn ban. Please follow the guidance on the Burn Safe website, which is updated daily at 2 p.m.: https://novascotia.ca/burnsafe/
Remember, there is no burning between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. on ANY DAY , regardless of the burning restrictions.
June 6, 2023: The Special Weather Statement is no longer in effect. Please note that the province wide ban on outdoor fires and fireworks remains in effect.
June 1, 2023: Region of Queens Municipality’s Emergency Management Organization (EMO) has offered Shelburne County EMO assistance, and is working with them preparing for their future needs resulting from the devasting wildfires.
If you know evacuees from Shelburne County, please check in with them to ensure they have registered with the Red Cross. Registering helps EMO to know that the resident is no longer in the evacuated area, and registers them for the provincial funding of $500 per household required to evacuate because of the recent fires. Only one person in their household needs to register. As soon as their address is verified, funds will be disbursed via e-transfer. Call 1-800-863-6582 to register, or online at: https://register.redcross.ca/en/registration/nova-scotia-wildfires-2023/