Volunteers Sought for Municipal Committees
Region of Queens Municipality is looking for people in our communities to serve on the following committees:
- Planning Advisory Committee (Click here to read Policy 60: Planning Advisory Committee)
- Heritage Advisory Committee ( Click here to read Bylaw 17: a Bylaw Respecting Heritage Properties)
- Accessibility Advisory Committee (Click here to read the Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee)
- Diversity and Inclusion Action Team ( Click here to read the Terms of Reference for the Diveristy and Inclusion Action Team)
If you are interested in being on one or all of these committees, visit this link to to apply by Friday, October 14, 2022.
If you require assistance with any part of the application, or would like more information, please contact Eric Levy, Municipal Clerk and Diversity Coordinator at 902-354-3453 or elevy@regionofqueens.com