Environment Canada Heat Warning in Effect Through to July 26, 2022

Updated, July 25, 2022, 12:21 p.m.:

The heat warning issued by Environment Canada continues today as high temperatures and high humidity are ongoing in Nova Scotia. It is expected end tomorrow (July 26).

Maximum daytime temperatures are expected to range 29 to 33 degrees Celsius (Humidex 36 to 40), except cooler along parts of the coast.

Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Watch for the effects of heat illness: swelling, rash, cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and the worsening of some health conditions.

Check on older family, friends and neighbours. Make sure they are cool and drinking water. Reduce your heat risk. Schedule outdoor activities during the coolest parts of the day. Information is provided on the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness website at https://novascotia.ca/heat-related-illness/


Environment Canada has issued a heat warning as humidex values are expected to reach 36 to 40 Celsius for the next 4 days (through to Sunday, July 23). The heat warning is for all of mainland Nova Scotia, coastal and inland areas. Daytime temperatures are expected to range from 29 to 32 Celsius. Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

Public notices

For information on heat related illness, go to Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness website: https://novascotia.ca/heat-related-illness/.

Region of Queens EMO has a brief video about how you can stay safe and help others and your pets during times of extreme heat. To watch it, click this link: https://www.regionofqueens.com/document-library/communications-and-engagement/2429-emo-extreme-heat

Seek shade or stay indoors, drink lots of water to stay hydrated, if possible avoid physical labour or exercise during the hottest part of the day, don’t leave pets or people in a parked car – even briefly, and check in on friends and neighbours.

posted: July 21, 2022