Updated Policy 66: Traffic Authority Approved

November 8, 2021: At the Council meeting on October 26, 2021, Council approved revisions to Policy 66 Respecting the Appointment of Traffic Authority.  Those revisions include reappointing Adam Grant, Director of Engineering and Public Works, as the Traffic Authority for Liverpool, a role he has held since July 16, 2020.  Garrett Chetwynd, Assistant Director of Engineering and Public Works, has been designated the alternate to serve as Traffic Authority in Adam’s absence.

Motor Vehicle Act of Nova Scotia requires that each town or former town in Nova Scotia appoint its own traffic authority to enforce certain provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act. This appointment is for Liverpool; the traffic authority for all areas outside Liverpool is governed by the Provincial Traffic Authority and their Deputy Provincial Traffic Authorities. Traffic Authority reviews requests for road closures, parades, emergency safety plans as they relate to transportation routes, planned detours, traffic signage, etc. 


Contact information: 

Adam Grant, Traffic Authority for Liverpoolagrant@regionofqueens.com

Provincial Traffic Authority for requests for areas of Queens outside of Liverpool

NS Dept. of Public Works, Operations Contact Centre 1-844-696-7737 or email – tir-occ@novascotia.ca